Worship Services

The Holy Ministry: A Summer Worship Series at Reformation 

With the recent rise of religious “nones” and the societal decline of church membership, it might seem as if ministers of the gospel are becoming less necessary. Because if there are less people to serve, then there must be less need for pastors, teachers, and missionaries, right? 

But, in fact, it’s the opposite! Because even those who believe “I can be a believer without going to church,” still need a minister – someone to serve them with that good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself believes that. If he didn’t, then why would he continue calling ministers to share his gospel? Every day of every month of every year, throughout our broken world, in churches and hospitals, in private and in public, at times of grief and at times of celebration, our faith is sustained and God’s people find support, compassion, and encouragement through the work of the Holy Spirit from those who have been called to serve in the holy ministry. Join us here at Reformation each Sunday this June at 8AM or 10:30AM for our new series: The Holy Ministry


Join Us for Worship Services Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am


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4670 Mt Abernathy Avenue
San Diego, CA 92117

Phone: (858) 279-3311





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